Blog Post #2 Healthy during Quarantine - bod edition

View during my morning walk!

View during my morning walk!

Day 3 of quarantine--- and I know there are people who haven’t left the house for the past few days. Which got me thinking—is it still possible to maintain an active life (or even semi-active life) under a “shelter in place” regime?  

And the answer is a resounding yes! For those needing some ideas--- let me put first forth walking as a splendid option---- I’ve been outside everyday jogging and walking (I’m feel very fortunate to be close to the water) and it’s been a breath of fresh air—pun intended—and I was happy to see so many in the same boat---in just a few short days, I’ve begun to recognize some familiar joggers and walkers.  Personally, I think walking is very under-rated---it helps one clear his/her head, it’s low impact, and best of all—it’s free!  

Secondly work-out apps/videos—I personally love the ones that are short and sweet--- eg the <10 minute workout circuits. Like 7 minute workout app on App Store—Short 7 minute workout for your legs, arms, core etc. Or 8 minute abs workout (just search 8 minutes abs on youtube).  Even if you don’t like to exercise, in the same you read through 3 instagram posts, you can knock out these short workouts.   

Finally since it’s Spring---which means spring cleaning, why not clear out your closet and declutter. We may not be hoarders but bet you a bitcoin and a bottle of wine you have excess--- for some inspiration, I’d recommend Marie Kondo’s “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” According to the interwebs, a normal person burns ~170 calories an hour with light household cleaning. And you don’t have to leave the house for that.  

Until then, stay fit, stay sane, and wash your hands.  


Blog Post #3 Quarantine health—mind edition


Blog post #1: Corona Panic or Not