Blog post #1: Corona Panic or Not

keep calm and drink wine.jpg

It’s day 2 of our “shelter in place” – or aka quarantine lite and with headlines flashing corona pandemic and most in a flurry of panic and people fighting each other at stores to stock up on 6 months of toilet paper, I’d like the opportunity for us to pontificate on all the positives that still remain in the world.

First, If you are healthy and have food and shelter, which is the vast majority of the population (not to mention you’ve probably equipped yourself with Netflix, HBO, Disney+, Hulu, and whatever other streaming service I’ve forgotten), then consider yourself already very lucky! The recent corona outbreak has shown how fragile and irrational people can be--- but the challenge I want to give each of you is why not spin it around----surely you can still find a silver lining amongst all of this. Let me go first----

I overhead someone say incredulously “Whole Foods is out of meat!” well I say—why not try being a vegetarian for a bit? In fact, those who eat a plant based diet live longer.

It’s a dear friend’s birthday and it happens to be first days of our quarantine. But I say--- at least you now have a good story to tell your kids--- especially if they ever complain about their birthday presents.

What if I run of toilet paper, you say? Well, then I say now is the time to get to know that neighbor of yours that you always see but never say hi to. Borrowing a cup of sugar is so yester-year anyways. But FYI—don’t ask to “borrow” toilet paper. That’s just simple human decency.

Yes—I can play this game all day long with you. Give me a scenario and I will give you the upshot in it—try me!

If you are less fortunate than yours truly and are an infected individual or have a loved one that is infected, then I do feel for you and am sending hopes and prayers your way--- but for the most of us which don’t fall into that camp, then please at least try to see the glass as half—wait scratch that, as glass very full—just how I like my wine glass---unless I drink it all. The world needs your positivity—now more than ever!

In the meantime, keep calm and drink wine—and wash your hands!


Blog Post #2 Healthy during Quarantine - bod edition