Why only settle for glass Half Full…keep on pouring…..

The genesis of Pandemic Musings on Life — started as I was sitting around during the height of the corona pandemic in March 2020, where people’s sentiment is really at its worst. I wanted to help everyone take a collective step back and see that there are still so many positives in the world. Instead of thinking the worst, hoarding supplies, and fearing to leave the house for a second, I wanted to send a gentle that our ancestors have had to deal with way worse…and look where we are now. Please visit the ‘Pandemic Musings on Life’ for some practical life lessons I’ve gathered through gathering wisdom of many sages out there.

During the pandemic I also continued to pursue my love and interest in wine and obtained the WSET (Wine Spirit and Education Trust) certification. I realized through my many virtual wine gatherings and post pandemic in-person gatherings, many of the people I know have a “go-to” wine (maybe 2 or 3) that they often don’t deviate away from. So I started the second part of the blog ‘Wine adventures’ for those curious wine minds that want to expand their vino horizons but just need some guidance.

Finally, remember, that in life, why see the glass half full when you can keep on pouring—in vino veritas!